Hult Prize: Championing Change Amidst Controversy

Oct 20, 2023 |By Tomas Jindra

Ever dreamt of changing the world with just an idea and pocketing a cool million while you're at it? Welcome to the Hult Prize universe! Hungry to know more?

What is the Hult Prize?

The Hult Prize is a beacon of hope in the world of student competitions.

Imagine a platform where bright young minds from every corner of the globe come together, fueled by a singular mission: to address pressing global challenges.

This isn't just about winning a prize; it's about making a mark, leaving a legacy, and most importantly, creating impactful change.

The Hult Prize is a grand affair, often likened to the "Nobel Prize for students." It's where innovation meets impact, where ideas transform into tangible solutions, and where students evolve into change-makers.

But what's in a name? Why "Hult"?

What is the meaning of Hult?

Dive into the records of entrepreneurial history, and you'll come across the name Bertil Hult.

A Swedish entrepreneur who turned his struggles with dyslexia into a global education empire, EF Education First.

His journey, marked by innovation, resilience, and a vision for global education, resonates with the core values of the Hult Prize.

Named in his honor, the Hult Prize embodies Bertil Hult's spirit. What does it mean? 

It's about championing practical solutions, fostering global citizenship, and above all, making a difference.

The name 'Hult' stands as a testament to the transformative power of education and the potential of young minds to shape the future.

What does Hult Prize do?

The Hult Prize Foundation isn't just another name in the vast sea of student competitions. It's a movement, a revolution, and a call to action for young minds to change the world. But let's break down what they really do.

Hult Prize Theme

Every year, the Hult Prize Foundation throws down the gauntlet with a challenge that resonates with a pressing global issue.

But not a random topic picked out of a hat. More of a meticulously chosen theme that aligns with the most urgent challenges humanity faces.

The aim? To ensure that the innovative solutions developed by the bright minds participating are not just theoretical but have real-world applicability.

Past themes have ranged from food security, energy sustainability, to harnessing the power of digital currencies.

For instance, "Harnessing the Power of Energy" aimed to do much more than find alternative energy sources.

It was about reimagining a world where energy could be sustainable, accessible, and transformative.

Similarly, "Empowering the Earth: Bold Businesses for a Better Planet" was a clarion call for startups to think beyond profits and envision a business landscape that prioritized the planet.

These themes serve as a lighthouse, guiding participants towards creating startups that aren't just financially viable but are also geared towards making a genuine difference.

Hult Prize Scandal

Now, let's address the elephant in the room.

The Hult Prize, a prestigious entrepreneurial competition supported by the likes of the United Nations and former US President Bill Clinton, has been under the spotlight for a while now. And unfortunately not thanks to its brilliant solutions.

Dive into the recent headlines, and you'll find a tale of alleged misconduct that would make any Netflix drama series jealous.

An internal snoop-around by the city law firm Kirkland & Ellis unearthed a series of eyebrow-raising complaints. We're talking everything from cringe-worthy unwanted advances to full-blown sexual assault allegations between 2018 and 2021.

And guess who's at the center of multiple claims? None other than the founder and former CEO, Ahmad Ashkar. Talk about a plot twist.

These alleged shenanigans weren't just confined to dimly lit backrooms.

Some reportedly took place at the prize's swanky summer event at Ashridge House. You know, that posh place that once housed Henry VIII? Yeah, that one.

To be fair, the Hult Prize Foundation isn't just sitting on its hands. They've labeled the findings as "heartbreaking" (understatement of the year?) and rolled up their sleeves for a major cleanup.

From leadership shake-ups to introducing a shiny new code of conduct, they're on a mission to right the ship. Hopefully. 

So let’s trust in the power of justice and have a look on some tips and tricks. 

How do you win the Hult Prize?

Well, it goes as for every other competition.

You need much more than a groundbreaking idea. To be fair, that’s exactly the thing AI can provide you nowadays. 

It's rather about presenting it in a way that resonates, captivates, and convinces a panel of industry leaders and changemakers.

So, how do you go from being a hopeful participant to standing on that coveted winner's podium, holding a check with a whopping million dollars? Let's break it down.

  1. Understand the Challenge: Every year, the Hult Prize presents a unique challenge. Dive deep into it. Understand the nuances, the underlying issues, and the potential impact of solutions.
  2. Assemble a Dream Team: Surround yourself with passionate individuals who bring diverse skills to the table. Whether it's marketing, tech, or finance, ensure your team has a well-rounded skill set.
  3. Research, Research, Research: Dive into case studies, existing solutions, and potential roadblocks. The more informed you are, the better your solution will be.
  4. Prototype and Test: Before presenting your idea to the world, test it. Gather feedback, make iterations, and refine your solution until it's foolproof.
  5. Nail the Pitch: This is where the magic happens. A great idea is only as good as its presentation. Practice your pitch, anticipate questions, and be prepared to defend your solution with data and passion.
  6. Network: Engage with past winners, mentors, and industry experts. Their insights and feedback can be invaluable in refining your approach.
  7. Stay True to Your Vision: While feedback is essential, don't lose sight of your core idea. Stay true to your vision and the impact you aim to create.
  8. Embrace Failure: Not every idea will be a home run from the get-go. Learn from failures, pivot when necessary, and keep pushing forward.

Remember, the Hult Prize is a journey.

A journey where you seek growth, learning, and making a tangible impact in the world.

So, even if you don't walk away with the prize money, the experience, connections, and skills you gain are priceless.